Happy Halloween

I am just sitting here gorging myself on bratwursts and brownies and thinking at some point I really need to start exercising again.  Oh well.  I do feel a sense of accomplishment, though.  I have just finished my last article for our Winter Issue.  I’m debating if I want to write another one yet…so many bands to cover.  I still have time.

So what is new with me?  Well, about four weeks ago I hurt my back.  It was lower back pain, sitting was painful, and bending was near impossible.  How did I do it?  Well…let’s just say it involved my wife and the bedroom.  I finally realized the pain wasn’t going to go away, so I saw my chiropractor earlier this week.  He put me back together, and I feel almost 100% percent better.  It is truly is amazing…I don’t know of any other health professional that can make you feel instantly better and it only takes them 10-15 minutes.  The interesting moment came when he asked HOW I hurt my back.  When I responded, he held up my profile, stared at it, and stated, “You are married, right?  How the heck does that still happen?  Let me know your secret.”

Moving on to music….two weekends ago I decided to listen to the new Lovelorn Dolls CD, “Japanese Robot Invasion” that was just released.  I have been a fan, I own their first album, and I was interested to hear how their sound has progressed.  I’m telling you right now, the CD blew me away.  It is seriously one of the best albums I have heard front to back in a very long time.  Within two days I wrote a review of “Japanese Robot Invasion” for our Winter Issue (sudden addition to our content), and briefly talked to the band via Twitter about an interview for our Spring Issue.  Yeah, it is that good.  Here is their first single off of the new CD title “The Thrill.”

Oh wait, I’m not done yet…I still have more to share about Lovelorn Dolls.  I know, I should just make a separate post about the band.  Unfortunately, they fell into the trap of me writing so much about them for the magazine, I don’t feel like repeating myself on here.  Ok, it’s not unfortunately.  Carpe Nocturne Magazine has roughly 32,000 more readers than my blog.  Anywho, maybe my favorite song off of “Japanese Robot Invasion” is actually a cover.  I truly can’t believe it.  Lovelorn Dolls remade “Just Like a Dream” by the Cure, and did it phenomenally.  They changed it up enough to make it their own, but it is still completely recognizable as the Cure’s song.  You have to listen, and if you haven’t heard the new CD, notice how this song and the previous one I shared differ dramatically from each other and from Lovelorn Dolls’ first CD “House of Wonders.”  Bravo!!